Monday, 12 August 2013

Medieval Living And Some Rewarding Surf Lessons

Here ye’ here ye’! Tis another blog entry! Huzzah I say!

Before you ask, no you have not stumbled onto some peculiar robin hood fan club page (although we do have pictures of men in tights...) Arrifana surf lodge team went all medieval last week in Silves for their annual 10 day castle festival extravaganza.

What an experience it was! Jousting shows, dance lessons and other forms of ancient entertainment greeted us on arrival, much to the excitement of Kai and Sierra. They headed straight for the dress up tent, along with the rest of the girls, to get themselves into the spirit of things. Aldo and I decided to take a different approach, so went to the tavern to give ourselves some dutch courage to look for belly dancers!

4...maybe 5... ok 10 beers later the girls arrive back with costumes for us to throw on, and before we knew it we were all dancing about so some Ye Olde school tunes dressed in ridiculous outfits! Certainly a day we won’t forget anytime soon.

But I promise we haven’t just been messing around in a castle dressed as peasants! On Tuesday we had some children from the special educational needs and disabilities sector of Aljezur school come down to the beach for a go at surfing! I honestly can’t describe how rewarding it was to see the ecstatic looks on these kid’s faces when they got in the water and had a go at this sport we love. It was truly humbling to see how much joy could be gained from an experience in the ocean.  I suppose sometimes I forget how lucky I am to be able to live the life I do in the beautiful town of Aljezur, and it felt great to be able to give back to the community!

Until next time! Peeeeaaaace out x

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